Archive | November 2022

Holding it loosely

“All I once held dear, built my life upon

All this world reveres, and wars to own

All I once thought gain I have counted loss

Spent and worthless now, compared to this”

“Hold it loosely” has been a personal mantra of mine now for many years. The above quote is the first part of a song I’ve had on repeat lately. Today I realized why it hits me so deep. The lyrics of this song nail exactly where my head and heart are at on being able to hold everything loosely. If you want to listen to the whole thing, here’s a link.

I’m currently burning the candle from every angle. I’m doing the lawyer thing to pay the bills and fund the tech platform I’m building. I’m pressing hard to launch the website for my company this month. I’m working on an application for something game changing for my biz due EOM. I’m taking 3 theology classes (b/c I can’t help myself and LOVE learning especially in a class room setting). And I’m wrapping up the year as Treasurer for a Board I’m on with financial reports due next week. And ya know…trying to still be a part of my community, love folks and have some fun.

AND YET I’m not really worried. Busy – yes. Tired – yes. Loopy – sometimes. But not stressed or scared. I don’t need any of it to succeed to be ok. Of course I want it all to succeed, and I’ll work hard to try to make it happen, but that’s the gift of holding things loosely. Disappointment and sadness fade quickly. So I can try with my all and know I can move on.

Goals. Dreams. Hopes. These are good things, but what if they don’t happen? What if they happen, but then go away? Do you go with them because you clung too hard? What’s the thing that grounds you?

Today is an uncharacteristically short post. But I really just wanted to share this thought and challenge you to think about this for yourself. I know many of you may not share the same faith I do, but I still encourage you to think about these things. We’re all living in the same world and are all more the same than different.

What does it look like for you to have dreams, but to not shatter if they do? Can who you are be separate from the things out of your control? It can all be more joyful and less heavy if you hold it more loosely. I’m cheering for you!

“Everyday is a fresh start”